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Project Profile & Case Studies

Upper Peninsula Medical Center using Meefog humidification systems to reduce energy costs and reduce maintenance costs, humidification for hospitals and medical centers

Medical Center Benefits from Cost-Efficient MeeFog System

Case Study: The Upper Peninsula Medical Center has undergone over four major expansions in the last few years.

Meefog humidification Systems at OneNeck data center for data center cooling and data center humidification

Boosting Data Center Efficiency with a MeeFog Humidification System

Case Study: OneNeck IT Solutions wanted to cut its energy costs, but still needed a humidification system that would meet its redundancy…

Technologies for Improving Power Usage Efficiency Ratings

Case Study: When Facebook launched with it’s first data center in Prineville, Oregon, it went with a system that uses both outside air and the cooling power of water.

NCAR Uses MeeFog System to Prevent Electrostatic Damage to its New Supercomputer

Case Study: Opening in 2012, the NCAR Wyoming Supercomputing Center (NWSC) is a 170,000 square foot data center with two…

University Vivarium Installs MeeFog Humidification & RO Water Treatment

Project Profile: A Las Vegas University needed an energy-efficient way to add precisely controlled humidity to a Vivarium. In a vivarium…

Division of Consolidated Laboratory Services (DCLS)

Case Study: As its name implies, the DCLS provides testing services for around 50 states and federal agencies including the FBI, the state…

Clean Rooms: Army Research Laboratory Uses CHP and MeeFog Humidification to Cut Energy and O&M Costs

Case Study: The Army Research Laboratory in Adelphi, Maryland had been using a boiler to provide hot water as well as steam humidification…

Kentucky College Installs MeeFog Humidification, Exhaust Cooling Systems and Water Treatment

Project Profile: Humidification for 4 Air Handlers and evaporative cooling for 4 Exhaust Units. This system is designed with redundant pump…

Energy Efficient MeeFog System Allows Amherst College to Humidify the New Science Center

Case Study: Humidification for AHU’s 1-4 & 6. Evaporative cooling for HRU’s 1-4. Consisting of one pump rack with dual 5 GPM pump…