Medical Center Benefits from Cost-Efficient MeeFog System
Case Study: The Upper Peninsula Medical Center has undergone over four major expansions in the last few years.
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Case Study: The Upper Peninsula Medical Center has undergone over four major expansions in the last few years.
Case Study: OneNeck IT Solutions wanted to cut its energy costs, but still needed a humidification system that would meet its redundancy…
Case Study: When Facebook launched with it’s first data center in Prineville, Oregon, it went with a system that uses both outside air and the cooling power of water.
Case Study: Opening in 2012, the NCAR Wyoming Supercomputing Center (NWSC) is a 170,000 square foot data center with two…
Project Profile: A Las Vegas University needed an energy-efficient way to add precisely controlled humidity to a Vivarium. In a vivarium…
Case Study: As its name implies, the DCLS provides testing services for around 50 states and federal agencies including the FBI, the state…
Case Study: The Army Research Laboratory in Adelphi, Maryland had been using a boiler to provide hot water as well as steam humidification…
Project Profile: Humidification for 4 Air Handlers and evaporative cooling for 4 Exhaust Units. This system is designed with redundant pump…
Case Study: Humidification for AHU’s 1-4 & 6. Evaporative cooling for HRU’s 1-4. Consisting of one pump rack with dual 5 GPM pump…