Ten Alstom GT24 Achieve 124 MW Boost for Texan Power Plants
Project Profile: Vistra, a Fortune 500 energy leader, enhances Texas’s energy capacity with advanced wet-compression technology for consistent high-performance power.
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Project Profile: Vistra, a Fortune 500 energy leader, enhances Texas’s energy capacity with advanced wet-compression technology for consistent high-performance power.
Project Profile: Mee Industries installed evaporative cooling systems to augment power production on six of their MHPS 501J …
Project Profile: The MeeFog systems provide fog evaporative cooling and wet compression for two GE 6561B gas turbines. Each system …
Case Study: Evaporative pre-cooling to keep from having to shut down the data center during summer heatwaves.
Case Study: A combined cycle power plant uses exhaust heat to make steam, the steam is run through a steam turbine…
Project Profile: A circuit board manufacturer in Mexico installed pre-cooling on two York condensers.
Project Profile: A Southwestern US Power Station installed MeeFog Systems on two SW 501FD2 gas turbines.
Case Study: Eagle Point Power Generation (EPPG) in Westville, NJ is a 225 MW combined-cycle facility with two GE Frame 7EA turbine generators.
Case Study: Midland Cogeneration Venture needed a cost-effective way to boost output at their facility. Mee Industries installed inlet air cooling..