Keep Your Greenhouse Cool in Summer Using Fog Systems
Blog: Efficiently bring the general temperature of the greenhouse down.
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Blog: Efficiently bring the general temperature of the greenhouse down.
Blog: Evaporative cooling with inlet air fogging can be effective and economically beneficial in humid environments.
Case Study: Humidifiers preserve modern art collection.
Blog: Refineries must continually find ways to lower their energy usage and reduce their environmental impact.
Blog: Installing a MeeFog humidifier saved the Medical Center money and decreased their energy usage overall.
Blog: Fog evaporates, bringing temperatures down by up to 10°C.
Blog: When air is dry, or when relative humidity is below 40%, airborne viruses are more easily spread.
Blog: Boost gas turbine power at a fraction of the cost of upgrading the turbine internals.
Blog: Humidifier can respond quickly to the requirements of the building.