Virginia Microchip Manufacturer Air Handling Units
Clean Rooms
A microchip manufacturer in Virginia was looking for an effective way to mitigate electrostatic discharge and humidify their clean rooms. They purchased a custom engineered MeeFog system that provides humidification in the six clean room AHU’s. Mounted on the skid are 3 baseline pumps & 2 trimmer pump units with VFD, one of these will be in operation, with the other on standby/redundant. With the recent addition of two AHU’s the flow rate is 41.5 GPM. The fog pump skid is capable of outputting 60 GPM
Project Conditions:
Entering air conditions: 93°F db/54° wb
Leaving air conditions: 60°F db/54° wb
Max. water flow: 60 GPM
Total horse power: 15hp x 5= 75hp
Fog System Design:
MeeFog nozzle count: 1,296
Humidification capacity: 17,951 #/HR
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Want to learn more about how MeeFog systems can enhance your facility’s energy efficiency?