High-Purity Water Treatment for Power Plants: Compact RO-EDI Solution in the Middle East
Gas Turbine Inlet Air Cooling
Power Plant Middle East
A power plant in the Middle East required high-purity water for their newly purchased GT Inlet Fog Cooling skids. However, the existing water system did not meet the turbine manufacturer’s specifications, which could lead to fouling and potential damage to the compressor blades. In preparation for the upcoming warm weather, the plant urgently needed a solution. The only available source of raw water was the Euphrates river, which had varying water quality due to industrial and agricultural run-off. The raw feed water contained high levels of suspended solids, iron, and iron bacteria, necessitating pre-treatment to prevent rapid fouling of the RO membranes. Additionally, limitations on transport and installation space meant the entire water treatment solution needed to be compact.
A Middle Eastern power plant urgently required a water system that could fit within space constraints, meet turbine manufacturer specifications and provide high-purity water. The only available water supply, the Euphrates River, experienced large annual fluctuations in water quality, making it unsuitable without advanced treatment.
Two compact Dual-Pass RO-EDI skids with integrated electrodeionization (EDI) modules. These skids, equipped with pre-treatment filtration systems and booster pumps, were engineered to fit into airfreight containers. The compact design combined with integrated EDI technology reduced the footprint and cost, while providing continuous and chemical-free regeneration of ion exchange resins.
Installation Specifications:
Mee Industries designed and manufactured two Dual-Pass Reverse Osmosis (RO) skids, each with an integrated Electrodeionization (EDI) module to purify the water according to the given specifications. The system also includes an inline pre-filtration unit with feed water booster pumps and chemical feed systems to remove contaminants from the raw water supply before it enters the RO membrane units.
Despite space and time constraints, Mee Industries’ skid design allowed each unit to fit into containers suitable for transport by air. Integrating the EDI unit with the RO skid not only saves space by eliminating the need for an additional skid, but also removes the necessity for a break tank and booster pump unit to re-pressurize the RO permeate water through the EDI unit.
A programmable logic controller with a 12” color touch screen provides instant visual feedback on system flow and water quality performance. The system was designed to start and stop automatically based on the water level in the demineralized water storage tank.
Due to the distance between the fog skids, the water treatment units and demineralized water storage tank, the booster pump for feeding the fog skids are controlled by the PLC’s of the RO/EDI skid units. Sharing information between the Meefog cooling skid and the RO/EDI unit via the central control room allowed for the booster pump to automatically start and stop and adjust flow rates and pressure based on cooling water demand, eliminating the need for expensive installation costs for long distance cables and additional controllers.
The power plant found the new water supply to be of such high purity (< 0.1 us/cm) that they opted to use it as a new water source for their boilers’ make up water and for compressor washing.
Client Benefits using MeeFog Technology:
- Produces 0.1 us/cm high purity water for use for GT fog cooling, boiler makeup water and similar industrial applications
- Continuous and chemical free regeneration of ion exchange resins using electrodeionization (EDI) technology
- Dual Pass RO Skids with integrated EDI module using only 1 RO pressure pump reduces equipment footprint and cost
Learn more about how our specialized water treatment solutions deliver high-purity water for gas turbine power plants.
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Ask us how MeeFog can help you achieve ultra-pure water treatment for power generation and safe operations.