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Energy-Efficient Humidification for Connor-Winfield’s New Cleanroom Facility


Connor-Winfield—the fastest growing timing products supplier in North America. ConnorWinfield offers an extensive product line of Crystal Controlled Oscillators, Timing Modules and Crystals. Connor-Winfield has experienced solid growth over the last 10 years. With this growth in mind, they decided to build a new clean room/ manufacturing facility to serve their expanding customer base.


An Energy-Efficient Solution:

Craig Whitaker, project manager and construction coordinator for Connor-Winfield, immediately started looking for ways to design an energy efficient facility that would serve the company’s needs for years to come. The facility houses a 35,000 sq.ft. clean manufacturing room and 20,000 sq.ft. of clean support labs surrounding it, with a total volume of 710,000 cu.ft. To preserve the integrity of the cleanroom envelope, positive pressure has to be maintained in the room at all times. To accomplish this, large amounts of outside air are required to off set the exhaust and room leakage. The large air flows must have tight temperature and humidity control , and doing so in a budget friendly way was very important

Connor-Winfield called upon Mee Fog to assist them in designing a humidification system that would provide the humidity control they desired in an energy efficient manner. The building has four air handlers, rated at 18,000 cfm each and operating on economizer cycles. The units are served by a single high pressure Mee Fog pump that provides 1000 psi water to the nozzle headers via staging solenoids. The system is controlled by the Trane Tracer Summit control system.

Each unit has a maximum load of approximately 180 #/hr. The load is matched by using staging solenoids that bring on nozzle headers in various combinations. Excess moisture that is not absorbed into the air stream is collected on droplet filters and drained away. The total electrical load for this system is 1.2 kW.


To maintain the integrity of the cleanroom, positive pressure must be sustained, necessitating large volumes of outside air to offset exhaust and leakage. Tight temperature and humidity control were crucial, and achieving this in a cost-effective manner was a priority.


Connor-Winfield enlisted MeeFog to design an energy-efficient humidification system that could meet their stringent requirements. The facility’s four air handlers, each rated at 18,000 cfm and operating on economizer cycles, are served by a single high-pressure MeeFog pump delivering 1000 psi water to the nozzle headers via staging solenoids. The system is controlled by a Trane Tracer Summit control system.

Client Benefits using MeeFog Technology:

  • Energy Savings: Over $35,000 annually compared to gas-fired steam humidifiers
  • Maintenance Savings: An additional $3,000 per year
  • Improved IAQ: Enhanced indoor air quality
  • Efficient Integration: Seamless integration with the building management system


The system works great and controls the building humidity levels perfectly. I have had to do very little maintenance on this system, and it integrated into the building management system very well. I wouldn’t change anything on the MeeFog system. — Craig Whitaker, Project Manager, Connor-Winfield


Learn more about Conner-Winfield’s significant cost savings and improved indoor air quality.

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Achieve energy efficiency and superior humidity control with MeeFog’s high-pressure humidification systems.

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