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Medical Center Saves Energy and Money with MeeFog Humidifier

The Meefog Difference

Installing a MeeFog humidifier saved the Medical Center money and decreased their energy usage overall. Compared to gas-fired steam humidifiers, MeeFog humidifiers save roughly $26,000 for the unit, and saves an additional $3,000 per year in maintenance costs.

The Challenge

The Upper Peninsula Medical Center, located just south of Lake Superior in Michigan, houses over 120 healthcare professionals and serves nearly half a million patients annually. Because of the extreme winters in Michigan, they needed a more efficient humidification system to work year round.

The Solution

Mee Industries integrated a humidification system into the medical center’s three air handling units to maintain precise humidity control as well as reduce energy usage and cost. The humidifier has the capacity to distribute 500 lbs of water per hour, covering 69,000 cfm. The load is matched by using staging solenoids that bring on nozzle headers in various combinations. For this project, a reverse osmosis system was added to assure the highest purity water.

Humidification Control in Hospitals

Meefog’s humidification solutions can help prevent the spread of airborne illness in hospitals, and how they can make your systems more energy efficient.

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